THE BRION MEMORIAL, the fragility of things.
(initially published on 25 August 2024, under the title ‘LA TOMBA BRION, la fragilità delle cose’) I periodically visit the Brion Memorial. I remember it before maintenance a few years ago, when it was called Brion Tomb. Before its philological restoration, it was easier to understand the fragility of the poietic balances achieved by Carlo […]
THE SAN CATALDO CEMETERY, a suspended work
(initially published on 13 August 2019, under the title ‘IL CIMITERO DI S. CATALDO, un’opera sospesa’) It is now seven years since, one morning in early December 2017, I finally visited the well-known San Cataldo cemetery in Modena, one of the first public works designed by Aldo Rossi, even though I had not planned to […]
(initially published on 8 August 2021, under the title ‘Introduzione ad una Architettura Esplorativa’) In 1951, at the University of Chicago, in his lecture The End of Modernity[i], German philosopher and political scientist Eric Voegelin attempted to analyse the reasons that had led European civilizations to the establishment of the totalitarianisms that emerged between World […]